Families Matter is all about healthy and resilient thriving families. ALL families.
Our Mission: To empower families so that caregivers and children build resilience and thrive.
Our Vision: A connected community in which children and families are nurtured and supported to be happy, healthy and resilient.
Our Core Values: We are an agency that lives its values in our work every day.
Respect Resilience Collaboration Playfulness Self-Awareness
Our Possibility Imagine for a moment if family members could confidently communicate, in accountable and respectful language, with their parents, siblings, and peers. Imagine if parents routinely modeled effective ways of problem-solving with their children in ways that build self-esteem. What would be possible for future generations if we placed as much emphasis on developing the skills and competencies of cooperation, as we currently do on individual achievement? Imagine how well society would function if this was the normal way of being.
Essential Skills