Inn from the Cold

Open Positions at Inn from the Cold

Indigenous Family Case Manager

We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Indigenous Family Case Manager to join our team at Inn from the Cold. The Indigenous Family Case Manager is dedicated to serving families from diverse backgrounds, with a particular focus on working through an Indigenous worldview when supporting Indigenous families. The Indigenous Family Case Manager plays a critical role in helping families navigate their journey from shelter toward stability, self-sufficiency, and permanent housing.

Housing and Relations Support Worker (Moccasin Pathways)

We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Housing & Relations Support Worker to join our team at Inn from the Cold. This role supports families through an Indigenous worldview, identifying barriers to housing stability and fostering progress toward independence. By integrating culturally appropriate services, the position plays a vital role in strengthening family connections, fostering healing, and guiding families on their journey toward stability, self-sufficiency, and sustainable hous...

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